
Grom was founded in Herrenberg, Germany in 1983 and is now part of Dr. Maisch. The manufacturer specializes in HPLC columns for particularly efficient and rapid chromatography.

At Analytics-Shop you will find a wide range of HPLC columns from Grom – including various SIL-ODS phases and SIL-Octyl phases. You can choose between eight different C18 phases as well as six different C8 phases from GromSil.

Bestsellers of Grom

  1. HPLC Column GromSil 100 ODS-0 AB (acid-based), 5 µm, 250x4, 6mm, old no: GS5113534
    Item number: GMGSOD00510s2546
    Brand: Grom
  2. HPLC Column GromSil 120 ODS-5 ST (standard,spher. endcapped), 5 µm 250x4mm, alte Nr.: GSOD50512.s2504
    Item number: GMGSOD50512s2504
    Brand: Grom

    In stock | 1 Units

  3. HPLC Column GromSil 100 ODS-B (base deactivated), 5 μm 250 x 4,6 mm
    Item number: GMGSODB0510S2546
    Brand: Grom
  4. HPLC Column GromSil 120 Diol, 3 μm 300 x 4,6 mm
    Item number: GMGSOH10312S3046
    Brand: Grom
  5. HPLC Column GromSil 120 SEC, 3 μm 300 x 4,6 mm
    Item number: GMGSSE10312S3046
    Brand: Grom

Grom HPLC Columns

Grom's product range includes the comparatively short NovoGROM HPLC columns, with which a significantly higher sample throughput can be achieved. At you will find numerous GROM SIL C18 and C8 phases as well as HPLC columns for amino acid analysis.