GC Column, packed, 5% Rt-1200 / 5% Bentone 34 Silcoport W 100/120, 6 ft, 2 mm ID, Agilent 5880 5890 5987 6890 7890

GC Column, packed, 5% Rt-1200 / 5% Bentone 34 Silcoport W 100/120, 6 ft, 2 mm ID, Agilent 5880 5890 5987 6890 7890

Item number: RE80464-810
Brand: Restek
PAK (1 pc)

More Information

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Brand Restek
Column description Rt-1200
Package specification Trifluoropropyl Methylpolysiloxane
Inner diameter 2 mm
Length 180 cm

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