HPLC Column Amaze SC, 100 Å, 10 µm, 3 x 150 mm

HPLC Column Amaze SC, 100 Å, 10 µm, 3 x 150 mm

Item number: HXASC-301511
Brand: HelixChrom
PAK (1 pc)


Amaze SC is a new bi-modal HPLC column with reversed-phase and cation-exchange properties. The stationary phase has a substituted alkyl chain with multiple polar-embedded groups capable of forming weak complexes with metals and basic molecules. The acidic fragment on the ligand provides strong interaction with basic analytes and allows to analyze a broad range of compounds. Amaze SC column retains basic hydrophilic, basic hydrophobic, hydrophobic acidic, and hydrophobic neutral compounds. The column is compatible with 100% water and 100% ACN and can be used in isocratic and gradient modes. The retention time of analytes is controlled by the amount of ACN, buffer, and buffer pH. The column is reproducible and can be used in method development and validation.

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Brand HelixChrom
Column description Amaze
Package specification SC
Inner diameter 3 mm
mode Reversed Phase (RP), Ion Exchange (IEC)
Particle Size 10,0 µm
Pore size 100 Å
Length 150 mm

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