GC Capillary Column OPTIMA-1 MS Accent ID: 0.25 mm, film thickness: 0.25 µm length: 30 m

GC Capillary Column OPTIMA-1 MS Accent ID: 0.25 mm, film thickness: 0.25 µm length: 30 m

Item number: MN725805.30
Brand: Macherey-Nagel
PAK (1 pc)


High performance capillary columns for gas chromatography (GC), dimethylpolysiloxane with ultra-low bleeding, nonpolar GC phase, meets USP G1|G2|G38. Nonpolar phase with ultra-low bleeding, ideal for ion trap and quadrupole MS detectors. Increased sensitivity due to an unmatched low background level. Perfect inertness for basic compounds. Solvent rinsing for removal of impurities applicable. Similar phases:Ultra-1, DB-1MS, HP-1MS, Rtx-1MS, Rxi-1MS, Equity‑1, AT-1MS, VF-1MS, CP-Sil 5 CB MS

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Brand Macherey-Nagel
Column description OPTIMA-1
Package specification 100% Dimethylpolysiloxane
Film thickness 0.25 μm
Inner diameter 0.25 mm
Max operating temperature up to 340/360°C
USP number G1, G2, G38
Length 30 m

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