Polaris HPLC MetaGuard column with an inner diameter of 4.6 mm and a particle size of 5.0 µm.
.Polaris Silica is ideal for the rapid analysis of low molecular weight compounds that dissolve in organic solvents. Separation and analysis with silica columns depend on the direction, type and number of functional groups of compounds in the sample. In preparative chromatography, normal phase silica purification is often used because the purified and fractionated sample can be concentrated using a simple and fast evaporator rather than time-consuming lyophilization.
Brand | Agilent Technologies |
Column description | Polaris |
Package specification | Silica |
Inner diameter | 4.6 mm |
mode | Normal Phase (NP) |
Particle Size | 5,0 µm |
pH Range | 2 - 8 |
Pore size | 180 Å |