Whatman HPLC Columns

Whatman is not only a renowned manufacturer of filter media, but also produces high quality HPLC columns. At  Analytics-Shop you can find products of Whatman for HPLC, e. g. Partisil Silica 10 and Silica 5 made out of high purity silica gel for normal chromatography. In addition to HPLC-columns you will of course find products by Whatman like Spartan syringe filtermembrane filter and filter papers.

HPLC columns by Whatman are available in different configurations:

Phase: Partisil, PartiSphere

Packing Material: C18, C8, ODS2, SCX, Silica, etc.

Particle Size: 5.0 µm, 8.0 µm, 10.0 µm, etc.

You can also use our HPLC Column Configurator to find the right column for your application.


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