SPE Separation/Extraction Column BakerBond spe narc-1, PP, 60 Å, 40 µm, 3 ml, 500 mg, 50 pc/PAK

SPE Separation/Extraction Column BakerBond spe narc-1, PP, 60 Å, 40 µm, 3 ml, 500 mg, 50 pc/PAK

Item number: JB7221-03
Brand: J.T. Baker
PAK (50 pc)


Standard ultra-pure PP-SPE columns are used for samples from 0.2 to 10 mL when standard speed, recovery and final concentration are required. These columns are ideal for the separation of drugs and small molecules. The columns are vacuum packed to maintain sorbent performance. The optimized round tube and the frits are made from high-purity polymers. The sample tubes fit into most processors and racks.

Based on silicon dioxide
Extraction of compounds from sample solutions with a volume of a few hundred µl up to 1 L
Processing by vacuum, positive pressure or centrifugation< br>
General Applications: The narc™-1 extraction columns are a mixed mode for the separation of carboxy-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) metabolites from urine. Narc™-2 single-use extraction columns are typically used for the separation of hydrophobic/basic analytes (cocaine, benzoylecognin) from urine.

These SPE columns can be used in reversed phase mode.

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Brand J.T. Baker
Sorbent weight 500 mg
Tube Size 3 ml
Type BakerBond